Acute Engineering is a structural engineering firm specializing in light frame construction. We focus on residential construction but also support commercial projects that utilize light frame construction techniques. Established in 2002, Acute Engineering is one of the premier light frame construction engineering firms in the west. We have developed tools, programs, and procedures that allow us to provide engineering at a very competitive cost while maintaining quick turnarounds. Whether you are working on a residential home or a commercial project, come see what Acute Engineering can do for you.
Chris Yeates, P.E.
Brandon Decker, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Jacob Ballard, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Client Managers
Alison Simpson, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Brad Ellis, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Connor Jensen, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
George Jacklin, S.E.
Licensed Engineer
Jay Adams, S.E.
Licensed Engineer
Full Time Staff
Ryan Wilkinson, P.E.
Engineer Manager
Alihi Faalafua
Project Engineer
Alijah Cordova
Project Engineer
Andrew Van Every, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Brandon Chambers
Project Engineer
Dylan Hunter
Project Engineer
Grant Johnson
Project Engineer
Hailey Dinkins
Project Engineer
Hannah Van Noy
Project Engineer
Michael Chidester
Project Engineer
Nathan Bell
Project Engineer
Tristan Parker
Project Engineer
Tyler Jensen, P.E.
Licensed Engineer
Will Berger
Project Engineer
Mason Williams
Administrative Service Manager/HR Coordinator
Natalie Bury
Office Manager
Taren McNamara
Drafting Manager
Matt Newitt
CAD Technician
Josh Probst
CAD Technician
Paul Thorley, P.E., S.E.
Thorley, P.R., Yeates, C.H. (2018) “Structural Engineering in the Real World”
October 2nd and 3rd, Beehive Chapter (ICC)
Thorley, P.R (2018) “Timberframe Design, Connections, and Loads”
July Meeting, Bonneville Chapter International Code Council (ICC)
Thorley, P.R (2017) “Engineers - Who Needs Them?”
October Meeting, Bonneville Chapter International Code Council (ICC)
Yeates, C.H. (2017) "The IRC - Are you Structurally Code Compliant?"
September Meeting, Beehive Chapter International Code Council (ICC)
Thorley, P.R., Fonseca, F.S (2017) “Timberframe Research and Engineering”
May Seminar, Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU)
Bond, B. (2016) “Women's Equality”
Interviewed by Lauren Simpson on The Matt Townsend Show, BYU Radio. Aug. 29, 2016
Thorley, P.R. (2016) “Light Frame Structural Engineering Analysis and Documentation”
Utah Chapter ICC Annual Business meeting and Education Conference 2016, February 17th, St. George, Utah
Thorley, P.R., (2015) “Light Frame Construction and Structural Engineering, Career Review”
Presentation, Utah Valley University, Skills USA.
Thorley, P.R., Yeates, C.H., Decker, B.T. (2015) “Acute Engineering Processes, Residential Construction Standards, and Common Construction Issues”
Presentation, Brigham Young University Civil Engineering Undergraduate Seminar.
Thorley, P.R., (2015) “SEER Committee Review”
SEAU News, Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU), Vol. 14, No. 7, Salt Lake City, Utah. April 2015. Page 5
Thorley, P.R. (2015) “Light Frame Structural Engineering Principle and Practice”
Utah Chapter ICC Annual Business meeting and Education Conference 2015, February 17th, St. George, Utah
Yeates, C.H. (2014) "Shear Walls and Hold-downs".
Presentation, Utah Beehive Chapter ICC Monthly Meeting
Sandy, UT Project of the Year (2013).
Challenger School Corporate Office
Krestschmann, D.E., Gorman, T.M., Smith, R.E., Fonseca, F.S., Apostol, K., Thorley, P.R., (2013). "Interlocking Cross Laminated Timber from Blue Stain Resource: Feasibility and Viability Report"
Yeates, C.H. (2012) “Attending Graduate School”.
Presentation, Brigham Young University Civil Engineering Graduate Dinner, November 2012, Provo, Utah.
Thorley, P.R. (2011). “Structural beams”.
Lecture, Beehive Chapter of the International Code Council (ICC), March 16, Orem, Utah.
Thorley, P.R., and Judd, J.P. (2011) “ Sustainable building using Interlocking Cross-laminated Timber”
SEAU News, Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU), Vol. 15, No. 8, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Judd, J.P., Fonseca, F.S., Walker, C.R. and Thorley, P.R. (2011). “Tensile capacity of mortise and tenon connections in timber frames”
Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, in process of publication.
Thorley, P.R. (2009). “Starting an Engineering business”.
Graduate Seminar, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Brigham Young University, October 01, Provo, Utah.
Walker, C.R., Fonseca, F.S., Thorley, P.R., and Judd, J.P. (2008).
Tensile capacity of timber frame mortise and tenon connections”. Proceedings, 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering, June 2-5, Miyazaki, Japan